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Nominated by “ForeWord Book of the Year Awards”

MommyBest is for all moms—from expectant ones through becoming grandmas.


For Moms of All Ages...Everywhere!

How do moms achieve their MommyBest? Mothers today find themselves facing a conundrum when answering the question: What do I really want now that I'm a Mom? The choices of pursuing career ambitions and creating a happy family life abound. How do we choose the right options for each of us?

MommyBest is my way of sharing 13 inspirational lessons I learned during the first five years as the CEO of our family. Following each lesson is a poignant memoir, along with a reflection page, inviting each of you to respond and ultimately create your own family memoir to treasure...always. We're all trying to achieve our MommyBest and will by following our unique path, ultimately making choices that reflect who we really are at any given moment in our lives.

Why wait until your children are grown to start celebrating and piecing your family story together? MommyBest…helps you to start reflecting now with its unique format of LESSON+STORY+READER REFLECTION PAGE= Winning Recipe for ALL MOMS.

Here's what some moms
and dads are saying
about MommyBest:

MommyBest is a combination of some pragmatics like those found in What to Expect When You're Expecting along with the heartfelt sentiments found in the "Chicken Soup" series.

Twin Sister Deborah
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What are the kids
saying about MommyBest?

A fun book that is personally touching. I thank my Mom for many amazing years together so far. She has made me a better person.

Derek, 12 - Self-proclaimed, "famous, young journalist."
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Published by: Words By Sweetness Publishing House

As detailed in the Preface of MommyBest, it is my intention to donate a percentage of the profits to organizations/charities devoted to helping families in need